Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) |

Forget legacy capture/OCR solutions and empower your business users to automate any incoming document, form or email. No coding required.

Revolutionizing data management with Classification & Extraction guided by Human Readable Definitions, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in data processing. Gone are the days of regions and patterns.

Seamlessly handle unstructured and dirty data in any language, empowering your organization to extract valuable insights regardless of data complexity.

Experience unprecedented speed and agility with automatic creation of definitions in mere seconds, minimizing setup time and maximizing productivity from the outset.

Our SaaS Platform offers segregated environments for each customer - helping you stay compliant. All our modules and AI models run on-premise as well.

Having the usage of AI limited to certain tasks and functions allows To Reshape AI to keep a trace of what was done and why the AI performed certain steps the way it did. This helps your organization to keep in line with regulations.


Why choose Inbound by Reshape AI?

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